I’m am on my way to Hollywood. That’s where the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys is having a big three day seminar. I’ll be gone between May 15th and May 20th. I’ll be back in the office on the morning of Wednesday May 21st.
I wish I could say I was going to be on American Idol, but that’s not it. There are things I can learn at this seminar that would be hard to find anywhere else. What it comes down to is that I can’t afford to not go. The law of bankruptcy has been in a hard to track state of flux since the new legislation became effective in late 2005. It seems that every few days a judicial decision turns up that changes the landscape. I need all the help I can get in keeping up with this stuff.
Of course, I am planning on seeing a few sights as well. I’m allowing one day in the trip just for that. Right now I would say that the beach could be a priority.
So email me or leave me a message. I will probably be checking my email. I no longer travel without my laptop. The wireless Internet for the hotel where I’ll be did get a poor review, but I expect I’ll figure it out. I’ll be returning my calls on Wednesday, May 21st.